Core topics

  • Quantum information and quantum materials
  • Artificial intelligence, complexity, and energy
  • Fundamental constituents of matter, origin and evolution of the Universe


Put Ukraine at the forefront of theoretical research in physics and related fields,
for the advancement of science, technology, education, and international security


  • Physically placed in Kyiv, the local activities are led by 10 senior and 10 junior staff members, who have demonstrated their international leadership and visibility in their fields

  • The Centre will support 10 postdocs on prestigious named fellowships (Bogolyubov, Landau, Lifshitz, Pomeranchuk, Sikorski, Korolyov) plus additional postdocs hired through EU/US-funded grants

  • An annual open competition for 10 PhDs and 10 postdocs recruited in Ukraine to spend one year at a partner institute abroad, expecting them to return to Ukraine for academic job placement
  • The Centre will run 6 annual 2-month long topical programs in Kyiv, along with conferences and other activities organized internationally with partner institutions

  • The working language of the Centre is English and all the members and postdocs are recruited internationally

  • Other local resources: State-of-the-art computational cluster, IT support, and Director’s office coordinating all administrative, logistical, and outreach activities


  • Graduate-level courses run at the Centre, open for all Ukrainian students to enroll (in person and remotely)
  • College-level educational outreach to Kyiv University, Kyiv Polytechnic, and Kyiv Mohyla Academy
  • High-school level educational outreach and support of Lyceums specializing in natural sciences

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